CINDERELA is a complex research and innovation project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program, based on opportunities to reduce urban industrial waste, which aims to develop and demonstrate a new business model of the circular economy. The project is implemented by a consortium of thirteen outstanding research institutions and organizations from seven European countries, including the Civil Engineering Institute MACEDONIA – CEIM.
Within the CINDERELA project, in the area of the factory Makstil Skopje, construction materials based on secondary raw material were applied, which is obtained during the process of smelting scrap metal, for revitalization of a degraded space in a parking lot and reconstruction of an access roads and partition walls made of prefabricated concrete blocks.
These activities, which were presented today at Makstil, represent the realization of part of the project “New business model of circular economy for sustainable urban development and construction – CINDERELA” implemented by the Civil Engineering Institute Macedonia (CEIM)For the realization of some of the activities needed for this project, CEIM signed an agreement for business and technical cooperation with Makstil where a pilot plant for mechanical processing of secondary raw material – slag (black and white) was set up which is obtained as a by-product in the process of smelting scrap metal. in the factory. Previously in the laboratories of UGD Shtip, CEIM as well as in other European laboratories, a series of tests were made which proved that such materials originate from the category of inert materials that are not harmful to the environment.
Read more about this innovative project on the following link.