A successful implementation of the European Green Deal requires the involvement of the EU’s neighbouring regions, such as the Western Balkans (WB). The integration of a circular economy model is an integral component of the Green Agenda, but the concept of circular economy is relatively new for the WB region, and therefore still abstract for many of the Western Balkan citizens and business owners. The establishment of national and regional hubs is necessary to facilitate and support the circular transitions by fostering collaboration, sparking innovation, and enabling informed decision-making among diverse stakeholders.

Join us to explore the newly established Western Balkans Circular Economy Hub (WBCEH) supported by the RECONOMY program, together with its strategic focus, vision and planned activities. Hear from Elin Bergman, the top Swedish voice on circular economy topics and Nordic Hotspot Hub founder, as well as from representatives of the Chambers of Commerce and their role in helping businesses in the circular transition. The event will also showcase one or two successful examples of companies from the region that operate with a circular business model or are implementing circular business practices as part of their regular business.

Date and time: 21.05.2025, 10:30-12:00 CET

Place: online

Agenda of the event:

10:30 Opening of the event

10:35 Emilija Jovanova, RECONOMY program

10:40 Presentation of the Western Balkans Regional Circular Economy Hub (Angelina Veshoska Taneska, IECE)

10:55 Sharing good practices and challenges in establishing a regional hub (Elin Bergman)

11:10 Panel discussion (representatives from the Chambers of Commerce in WB6)

11: 35 Presentation of best CE practices from the WB region

11:45 Q&A session

Registration: the registration form will be shared here and on our LinkedIn page closer to the event

The event is free of charge and aimed at individuals, including youth and professionals, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and other stakeholders working in the circular economy field from the Western Balkans for which the activities of the WBCEH could be beneficial, and they would like to know more about and get in contact with good CE practices from the region.

For any questions and inquiries related to the event feel free to contact us at regionalcehub@gmail.com.


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