Water Accounting integrates physical (hydrological) and economic information related to water use and consumption, to achieve equitable and transparent water governance for all water users and a sustainable water balance between water availability, demand and supply. Water accounting and auditing (WA&A) is a vital component of planning procedures for water resource management, particularly under conditions of water scarcity and in the face of increasing risks and uncertainties.

The research objectives are:

  • To develop a numerical model for water assets, water use and water return cycles, in accordance with UN System for Environmental – Economy Accounting for Water
  • To design a digital twin of water assets and water users in a representative complex natural (hydrological), economic and social system
  • To deploy and test the model on a regional / river basin case study
  • IECE
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius

Development of a planning, operation and optimization tool to support decision making in water resources management will make contribution to sustainable integrated water management. The model will include tools to assess vulnerability of water dependent sectors to climate induced scarcity of water resources and to provide measures for reducing pressure on fresh water use. Previous research in digitalization of water sector and circular economy of water use will be integrated in the model, enabling a set of economically and technically feasible solutions for efficient use of water. This aspect will represent the novelty of the model, compared to similar ones being developed internationally.

Project field

Water management

Implementation period

January 2021 - January 2024

Funded by


Methodology for Identification of Impacts of Digital Skills on Sustainability Performance of Construction Sector Services and Products
Risk Assessment from the Climate Change Impacts and Mitigation Strategy for Sustainable Preservation of the Church St. Painteleimon