Ethics has been defined as doing the right thing, even when no one is looking. Being ethical, making the right decisions, accepting the responsibility are relevant topics for each engineer, manager, and organisation when dealing with engineering projects. Engineering professionals and managers are faced with ethical dilemmas very often. This course introduces the theory and the practice of engineering ethics using a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural approach.

The course is intended to provide learners with knowledge on importance of ethics in engineering, developing capabilities to differentiate personal vs. professional ethics, and examine ethical problems. Historical and hypothetical cases on engineering ethics are used to analyse ethical behaviour, practice responsible decisions, and elaborate the consequences of unethical behaviour and potential risks for the engineering projects and all included. The focus will be set on ethical principles, codes of ethics, correlation of solving ethical problems and engineering design.

Topics covered in the course are:

  • Rights and responsibilities of engineers;
  • Engineering standards;
  • Passive and active responsibility;
  • The distribution of responsibility in engineering;
  • Factors influencing ethical values;
  • Solving ethical problems;
  • Problem of many hands in engineering;
  • Factors affecting moral responsibility and degrees of responsibility;
  • Whistle-blowing.

This course includes:

  • 10 hours of video material
  • Articles
  • Downloadable resources
  • Applied learning project
  • Case studies
  • Codes of ethics
  • Certificate of completion

Who is this course for?

This course is intended for engineering students, professionals and managers.

This course will benefit those who want to explore and ethical approach to designing and managing engineering projects, especially being more aware of the potential risks, lessons learned from past projects and get support in responsible decision making.

Prospective Participants

  • Engineering Managers in companies, public organisations and NGOs;
  • Policy makers working in engineering fields;
  • Engineering professionals who want to improve their work;
  • Engineering students who aspire to be successful engineers.


  • None.
  • Participants should be interested in the topic and care to explore more how ethical guidelines and standards can be applied in their daily work and projects.

Upon successful completion of this course, participants will achieve the following learning objectives:

  • Understand the distinction between professional and personal ethics;
  • Recognise and describe the different forms of dishonesty that engineers may come across in practice;
  • Understand the similarities between ethical problem solving and engineering design;
  • Identify ethical issues at the different stages at the design process;
  • Understand what codes of ethics are;
  • Examine some codes of ethics of professional engineering societies;
  • Describe how engineering designs may affect the distribution of responsibility;
  • Analyse and evaluate the complex consequences and motives that typically attend moral issues in engineering practice;
  • Describe the problem of many hands and explain how it applies to engineering;
  • Apply the knowledge to a case study relevant to your work.

Skills you will gain

Business skills, Critical thinking, Problem solving, Analytic thinking, Decision making, Work ethic, Social responsibility, Professionalism.

Register now

5 training sessions

Self-study and assignments:
20 hours


Type format:


Macedonian | English

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BIM Fundamentals
History of architecture with special accent on UNESCO heritage sites