On 8 June 2023, from 14:00-16:00 CEST the webinar “Empowering Sustainability Competences: Utilising the GreenComp Framework for Training Programs” took place. The webinar addressed and showcased the potential of the GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework when creating training programs in the VET sector.

During the event, participants reflected on the applicability of the GreenComp Framework during the initial phase of assessment of the needs of the potential learners and how to create a competency matrix for a new sustainability training program. Educators attending the webinar learned more about the practical use of the GreenComp framework and got inspiration from the presentation of two projects, CATALYST and Green Vineyards.

The webinar was organised by the IECE with the support of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators, in the framework of the European Week of Skills.

Program of the webinar

Welcoming and Introduction
Angelina Taneva-Veshoska, Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy (IECE), North Macedonia

Presentation of the ETF Community of Innovative Educators
Ermina Martini (ETF)

Introduction to the GreenComp: the European sustainability competence framework
Roberto Righi (STEPS)

European VET Excellence Centre for Leading Sustainable Systems and Business Transformation (CATALYST case study)
Angelina Taneva-Veshoska (IECE), North Macedonia

Results from Mapping and Skills Forecasting Report (CATALYST case study)
Lydia Papadaki, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB), Greece

Upskilling wineries staff: Responding to the challenges of climate change (Green Vineyards case study)
Joaquín Alonso, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR), Spain

Wineries Staff Environmental Competence Framework (Green Vineyards case study)
Ana Tomikj, (IECE), North Macedonia

View the full webinar here.


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